Thursday, March 26, 2009

I think I figured it out!

I was SO excited to start this blog and record all my culinary achievments. But as you can tell, I haven't made but one sorry post about actual cooking or baking. I cook and/or bake everyday. EVERYday. Sometimes, many times in one day. Nearly everyday, I come back to this sorry little blog of mine and groan that I still don't have a fabulous (or even semi-fabulous) recipe for you to try -- or some gorgeous photos(s) of food.

When I cook, I use a little of this and a pinch of that. I can't expect you to know how much I mean by a little, or a pinch. And when I do follow a recipe, it doesn't seem right for me to blog about someone else's work. I still have a few days before March is gone so I will bake and cook and hopefully post about my endeavors.

Peace, love, and Bobby Sherman!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

On the map for February

I find myself once again posting simply in an attempt to start the habit of regularly updating my blog. I really do bake, and cook. Wonderful, marvelous dishes and creations, that were I to take photos and post about them, you would be duly impressed! OK. Enough of that. If you happen to make your way here, PLEASE check back. I'm sure to get the hang of this.

Thank you kindly!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


With 2008 safely vaulted and recorded, we get a clean slate, so to speak. 2009; a brand new year. Fresh and unused. A new opportunity for all the "coulda, shoulda's" that haunt us from the year past. Go ahead, take out all the pretty colors from your life's box of crayons, you know, the fancy ones you save for special occasions but never get around to using because you don't want to waste them. Color yourself a wonderful year and enjoy!